
Handling of Personal Information in Inquiries

(1) Name or title of organization
  1. MAPRY Co.
(2) Name or title of the personal information protection administrator (or his/her representative), affiliation and contact information
  1. Personal Information Protection Manager:Hiroshi Saitou
    e-mail :h.saito@mapry.co.jp
    tell :0795-86-7515
(3) Purpose of use of personal information
  1. To respond to your inquiries
(4) Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
  1. Personal information obtained will not be provided to third parties except as required by law.
(5) Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information
  1. We will not outsource all or part of the handling of acquired personal information.
(6) Consequences for not giving personal information
  1. Giving us your personal information is voluntary. If you do not provide us with some of your personal information, we may not be able to respond to your inquiry.
(7) Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data and Contact for Inquiries
  1. At your request, we will comply with your request for disclosure, notification of purpose of use, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, suspension of provision to third parties, and disclosure of records of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”) concerning the personal data we hold.
    Please refer to the “Contact for complaints, consultations, etc. concerning our handling of personal information” below for the contact information for disclosure, etc.
(8) Acquisition of personal information in a manner not easily recognizable by the individual
  1. We do not use cookies, web beacons, or other means to obtain personal information in a manner that is not easily recognizable by the individual concerned.
(9) Privacy Policy
  1. Please refer to our Privacy Policy on our website.
(10) Contact for complaints, consultations, etc. concerning the Company’s handling of personal information
Name of contact person Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Contact Contact person:Hiroshi Saitou
Address    :165 Tada, Kasuga-cho, Tamba City, Hyogo Prefecture
Tell    :0795-86-7515
E-mail :h.saito@mapry.co.jp